CCTV Carabooda
Take crime prevention and criminal convictions in Carabooda to the next level with a fully installed top quality CCTV security camera capture and recording system.
Dear Carabooda CCTV Security System Buyer
There are so many options available in the CCTV market place that it is hard not to become a little confused if not paralysed into inaction.
The crime rate in Carabooda should be looked at in comparison to Perth’s other suburbs. See this site. If you find Carabooda is a higher than average crime suburb then the more home owners immediately around you, including yourself, that install a quality, reliable CCTV camera systems, the lower your risk of break in into the future.
Initially this might just move the crime away from Carabooda, or onto the next suburb or street in Carabooda. However by being a technological leader in your street and starting the trend towards better security, everyone will eventually benefit.
Choosing a well priced CCTV system where all the components are compatible and also capable of performing is where Austguard excel. We have been designing and installing effective CCTV camera systems across Carabooda and surrounding suburbs that are still running 1-2 decades later. Of course now, our system specifications are so much better and with both camera and recording resolutions continually improving, it is difficult to know where to set your budget.
Our approach is pragmatic and we take into account the environment, and the purpose of the CCTV system to come up with the best value for money solution. This involves camera selection and scaleability choices so that additional cameras can be added in a staged manner or higher resolution cameras can be swapped in when their price drops enough.
Not sure how this works, then give us a call and we can walk you through it.
There are some other things you can do to make your home, business and community a safer and more enjoyable place to be. Reducing crime which is mostly opportunistic can be assisted by also having firstly an alarm system and secondly security roller shutters on your windows, or 3M security tinting if you just want to prevent window break ins.
Combining all three significantly drops your statistical chance of being broken into. Of course make sure you lock up properly when you leave the house as most break ins are a result of an open door or window. But at least your CCTV system will have recorded the culprit even if you do leave a door open.
A significant number of break-ins in Carabooda occur when family members are at home and could be out the back in the garden or just at the back of the house. It is horrifying to not be able to find your laptop and smartphone or handbag and then realise someone has walked in and taken it without you even noticing. Make sure you lock your front door or fly-screen when in the house as well. Carry a key in your pocket if working in the front and back garden to let yourself in and out.
Make friends or acquaintances with your neighbours. Nosy neighbours can be a great defence against crime in the street as they are more likely to observe the comings and goings of others and a thief does not like to be watched. They will move on. If crime is frequent on your street then set up a whats-app group and put a note in everyone’s mailbox that if they would like to be part of any crime alerts to text you. Set up the group and some like minded people will respond. If no one responds then I would suggest moving areas. You don’t want to be part of a community where no one cares. But I am sure many people in Carabooda care deeply about a healthy and safe community. If something happens, let the street know and ask if anyone may have recorded something or seen something. Again a great reason for multiple people in the street to get a CCTV system.
Motion activated car dash cameras have a second use as they are a great way of recording activity on your street from a parked car. There are many options available but again spending a bit more is recommended where possible to get a unit that you get years of use out of.
Other things you can do to make your neighbourhood more liveable and secure is to plant trees and beautify your street scape. A well kept attractive street with plenty of trees will be cooler for starters. You and your neighbours will be outside more often enjoying the exercise and satisfaction the comes from a bit of gardening. Plant native Australian plants that grow flowers to attract and feed the honey eaters in the mix. Perth’s climate also favours succulent bowls as attractive water wise decoration. Now you’ll have more community activity on the street and less opportunity for some scurrilous Carabooda thief to go unspotted. By keeping your garden tidy as well, your alarm system box is more visible as a deterrent.
So hopefully as a Carabooda resident you are inspired to focus a little more on security and community and if you need any assistance with CCTV systems, alarms, access control then give us a call.
We also recommend in your area the following businesses
- Carabooda Roller Shutters Installers
- Pest Control Carabooda
- Carabooda Painters
- Carabooda Bouncy Castles for birthday fun
- Shade Sails Carabooda
- Retractable Screens Carabooda
- Emergency Hot Water System Carabooda
- Plumber Carabooda
- App Support Australia
- Solar System Packages WA
- Gas Plumber Perth
- Lyric hearing aids Duncraig
- Training records management
These businesses are small business operators just like me that work in and around Carabooda to make your home life a happier and more easy going experience. They are all great people focused on service.
Mark Schwarzer
Managing Director and Owner Operator of Austguard Security
Making Carabooda a safer more liveable Perth suburb.

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- Home Security
- Home Alarms
- Premium Home Alarm
- Commercial Security
- Commercial Property Alarms
- Access Control
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- Great Ideas